UK – the Cold Man of Europe – highest level of fuel poverty of 16 European Nations

Home News & Events Latest News UK – the Cold Man of Europe – highest level of fuel poverty of 16 European Nations

A recent report by the Association for the Conservation of Energy (AECB) calculates that the UK has the highest level of fuel poverty in Europe and the fabric of its buildings is among the worst of all European countries.

Recent changes to government policy with roll-backs of energy efficiency measures in homes including:

  1. The cancellation of the Green Deal
  2. A recent 93% reduction of cavity wall insulation installation rates
  3. The closure of the Code for Sustainable Homes
  4. The cancellation of the 2016 Zero Carbon Homes Standard

are not helping with the situation.

With it historic building stock, despite its prosperity Bath has a higher level of winter excess deaths (an indicator of fuel poverty) than surrounding local authorities.

Transition Bath regrets these changes and hopes the government eventually sees sense, and rolls back its current policy direction which seeks to stop homes being made more energy efficient. Energy efficient homes are more comfortable to live in, reduce fuel poverty and make UK plc more efficient.