Bath University is looking for volunteers to have the temperatures in their homes monitored for research purposes

Home News & Events Latest News Bath University is looking for volunteers to have the temperatures in their homes monitored for research purposes

Bath University are researching the heating patterns of traditional buildings. As part of the research they would like to measure the internal temperatures and heating patterns of a number of homes, ideally about 50 pre-1919 and about 50 post-1919. If all goes well this will give them a suitable basis to compare traditional heating methods with modern ones to better inform retrofit possibilities.

To do this they are looking for volunteer homes, they will send you three iButton sensors (they’re about the size of a 2p coin), to be placed in your living room, main bedroom and one on a radiator and they’d stay in place from July 2016-February 2017. At the end of the study you would need to complete a short questionnaire.

If you can help with this very useful research could you contact Caroline Hughes at