Transition Bath’s Energy Sparks Schools’ Energy Education Programme will be starting in the Autumn, its aim is three fold; to reduce schools’ energy bills (by up to 20%), to teach pupils about energy, and through this, teach curriculum subjects like maths and science.
It is a FREE programme based around our recently launched Energy Sparks website ( which supports the programme by providing up to date displays of schools’ energy consumption using smart meter technology, so pupils can track their progress in saving energy. It also includes an innovative activity logging system, which turns energy saving into a game, allowing pupils to compete to save energy both within a school and between schools, with badges and achievements automatically being awarded when a series of tasks has been completed.
The programme includes education resources and lesson plans to teach pupils maths and science through understanding energy, and professional support for teachers. Cash prizes will be available for schools who achieve the most.
We are currently looking for schools to take part in the programme, if you think you know of a school who might be interested, could you let us know ( )?
A two page summary which you are welcome to pass onto your local primary schools is available here.