Over the last 6 months Transition Bath’s Energy Sparks schools’ energy education and efficiency programme has been rolling out to other areas of the country, including Somerset, Oxfordshire, Sheffield and now the Highlands of Scotland. Energy Spark’s latest recruit is Pennyland Primary School , which is on the far north coast of Scotland, overlooking the Pentland Firth and the Orkney Isles.
Transition Bath has been developing Energy Sparks over the last 2 ½ years to help schools become more energy efficient and fight climate change. The programme is based around a website which analyses schools’ smart meter data to provide automated advice on where schools can save energy. It also comes with an extensive energy and climate change education programme for school children.
The programme is currently supporting over 50 schools with a further 20 in the process of signing up. The programme’s aim is to save between 10% and 30% of the energy consumed at schools who sign up, and we are starting to see concrete progress with our best school saving almost 30% of its annual energy consumption and a number of other schools saving 20% as a result of the programme.
The development of the website and education programme has been funded by BWCE Community Fund, the Open Data Institute, Naturesave Trust, the Ovo Foundation and the Department of Business Innovation and Skills.
For further information on Energy Sparks go to its website: www.energysparks.uk
The photo is of Trinity First School in Frome’s Energy Sparks eco-team.