As part of Bath and North East Somerset’s plans for the future, part of the ‘Bath Local Plan 2016-2036’, in a draft consultation document B&NES council are proposing the development of a 1500 zero carbon homes in North Keynsham. This is an interesting precedence in that Transition Bath have been pushing for zero carbon housing for a number of years and were particularly annoyed when Don Foster our MP at the time, and Minister for Buildings in 2015 pushed through legislation to restrict councils’ ability to impose more environmentally sustainable housing standards, like zero carbon homes. We would hope if this development is to take place that it is built to zero carbon standards, something we would support.
There is a public exhibition about the plans at the Guildhall on December 8th.
The draft consultation document says the following on the plan:
Zero carbon development:
4.15 Planning plays a key role in helping shape places to secure radical reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, minimising vulnerability and providing resilience to the impacts of climate change, and supporting the delivery of renewable and low carbon energy infrastructure. The NPPF states that we should actively plan for new development in ways which reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In response, the JSP requires all new development to minimise energy demand and maximise the use of renewable energy, and where viable meeting all demands for heat and power without increasing carbon emissions. Through the production of the Local Plan, we will be investigating the potential for development at North Keynsham to be built to a Zero Carbon standard (net zero emissions from regulated and unregulated heat and power). If this is achievable, North Keynsham could become a beacon for sustainable development, and in the process provide a healthy environment and a low cost of living for its future residents