Ella Milburn of @everydayforaging led a suitably attired group of 14 keen participants on a foraging walk as part of Transition Bath’s series of food workshops planned throughout the year.
The walk started at Odd Down Community Centre and headed out along extremely slippery, muddy footpaths down into Breach Wood. We stopped at various points so Ella could explain to the group about all the edibles she found along the way – including young bramble leaves, ribwort plantain, jelly ear mushrooms, scarlet elf cup, crow garlic and dead nettles – until we reached an abundant array of wild garlic down near the stream. This was a great opportunity to cram our bags full of young wild garlic leaves before we headed back up the hill for a demonstration of how to make them into a pesto.
Having left all our muddy boots outside the venue, we gathered to watch the fresh pesto being crafted and were offered a taster, both with and without added parmesan, on crackers. Recipe cards were handed out and Ella shared a selection of foraging books including her favourite: The Forager’s Calendar by John Wright.
If you would like to join in with our future food workshops, take a look at our events page to book your place.