Transition Bath Transport and Built Environment Group are doing a project to promote and enhance walking (and cycling or bus travel) to the Chelsea Road shops and services. We hope that this will benefit both the local shops and the local community. Chelsea Road is an important local shopping area, but currently used as a “rat run”.
We did a survey of local households and traders, and produced a report called “Making Chelsea Road Local Centre Thrive” available at here. We then hosted a series of meetings for local residents and traders, followed by a small working group to which both residents and traders were invited. This working group came up with three traffic schemes, and decided on a preferred option, as shown in the map overleaf.
The key features of this proposed scheme, as shown on the map above, are:
- creating two new crossings over Newbridge Hill, positioned either side of the end of Chelsea Road, to provide safe access;
- moving the crossing over Newbridge Road at the bottom of Chelsea Road nearer to the Post Office and narrowing the road at this point, to make it easier to cross;
- providing a new bus stop on Newbridge Road just to the east of Station Road, for buses coming from the city centre;
- opening up walking and cycling routes through the cemetery, to provide shorter, safer access;
- removal of through traffic without reducing parking, by closing the central section of Chelsea Road, and making this central section available for public and community uses, with trees, seating and cycle racks.

If you live or work in Newbridge or make use of the Chelsea Road we would appreciate your views by completing the questionnaire:
The surveys are now complete and you can longer add new surveys online. Thank you for your help if you have completed a survey.