Although there have been recent improvements for cyclists on the London Road our current councillors have decided to make the scheme more ‘vehicle friendly’ to the detriment of cyclists. Their proposed ‘improvements’ would:
- Extend the loading bays and change the loading times.
- Remove the on-road build-out that protects the mandatory on-road cycle lane
Both of which would make the road less safe for cyclists, discourage cycling in Bath and ultimately increase pollution and congestion.
A consortium of 4 pro-cycling groups in Bath: Cycle Bath, Bath Cycling Club, Transition Larkhall and Transition Bath would like your help in signing an online petition to try to persuade out councillors to backtrack on their plans. You can sign the petition by clicking here – where more information on the proposed changes is available. Please pass the petition on to anyone else you might know who is concerned about congestion and pollution in Bath. The pro-cycling groups, including ourselves are concerned that ultimately these changes may lead to the removal of the cycling lanes on the London Road altogether, in favour of ‘increased’ traffic flow.