Bath and North East Somerset Council have recently launched 2 consultation relating to transport in central Bath:
- Bath Air Quality Action Plan (deadline 26 Nov 2017)
- Parking Strategy (deadline 23 Oct 2017)
Bath Air Quality Action Plan Consultation
The consultation is essentially a survey to find out resident’s views on a large number of proposals which might reduce traffic pollution in B&NES, which currently exceeds EU and UK Government guidelines. There is a draft ‘Action Plan’ which outlines the state of Bath’s air pollution and some possible solutions, and a survey which asks for your feedback.
The survey contains a series of questions under the following sections:
- Policy guidance and development management
- Alternatives to Private Vehicle Use: Active Travel
- Alternatives to private car use: Public Transport
- Promoting low emission transport
- Promoting Travel Alternatives
- Transport Planning & Infrastructure
- Green infrastructure
- Traffic management
- Vehicle fleet efficiency
- Logistics: fleet delivery and management
- Policy guidance and development management
- Alternatives to private car use: Public Transport
- Promoting Low Emission Transport
- Promoting travel alternatives
- Transport planning and infrastructure
- Traffic management
- Vehicle fleet efficiency
- Logistics: Freight delivery and management
Despite the size of the draft plan and the number of questions, we would encourage you to at least complete the survey which takes 10 to 15 minutes, even if it is just to say you strongly agree with measures which will reduce polluting vehicle traffic in Bath and promote more sustainable alternatives. The deadline for the survey is 26 Nov 2017.
The council are also hold 3 drop-in events where their environmental monitoring team will be able to answer your questions:
- Tuesday 10th October 2pm-5pm, New Oriel Hall (main hall), Larkhall
- Friday 13th October (time unknown?), Bath City Conference, Guildhall (exhibit and workshop)
- Wednesday 18th October 1pm-4pm, Twerton Village Hall
The council then plan to use the results of the survey and other analysis they are now (e.g. ANPR traffic monitoring) to present an initial plan in March 2018.