89% of Energy Spark’s schools saw a reduction in gas consumption and 69% in electricity consumption since last year Energy Sparks started as a Transition Bath project back in 2011. It is now a separate charity supporting… An update on Transition Bath’s Energy Sparks Schools Education Programme In March our Energy Sparks programme received a £58K grant under the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial… Transition Bath Energy Education programme and website trialled at Freshford Primary School A website and energy education programme being developed by Transition Bath and Bath: Hacked has been trialled at… Energy Sparks website launched (Transition Bath Schools’ Energy Education Programme) Transition Bath have been working with Bath: Hacked (a not-for-profit group promoting Open Data) on a website as… B&NES schools invited to take part in an energy saving competition B&NES schools are being invited to sign up to Energy Sparks, a new energy efficiency programme created by… An update on Transition Bath’s Energy Sparks project to teach primary school children about energy Since we gained funding from the Open Data Institute in August to develop a website, we have been… Transition Bath wins £7,000 grant from the Open Data Institute to develop a Schools’ Energy Competition Website Transition Bath in combination with Bath: Hacked, Resource Futures and B&NES Council have been awarded a grant by… St Saviours Infant School has raised £20,000 to install solar PV panels St Saviours Infant and Nursery School has successfully raised the £20,000 it needs to install solar PV panels… Are you planning on selling your home? St Saviours Infant School would like your help? St Saviours Infant School in Larkhall would like your help if you are considering selling your house before… An analysis of the electricity consumption of council buildings in Bath For Bath Hacked weekend in February Bath and North East Somerset Council (B&NES) released almost 2 years of… Transition Bath’s energy efficiency recommendations for new schools in Bath With three new primary schools to be built in Bath in the next few years at Ensleigh, Mulberry… St Saviours Infant School in Larkhall bids to become a Solar School St Saviours Infant School is Larkhall is raising £18,000 to become a Solar School. If you would like… Results of B&NES Schools Energy Competition: a 20% average reduction in electricity consumption at 13 schools Bath and North East Somerset Council in conjunction with Resource Futures have been working with 13 schools in… Help the Energy Group decide which projects to run for the next year On April 14th 2015 we will be holding our annual project planning meeting to decide which projects we… Why Transition Bath is concerned with DCLG’s attempts to abolish DECs for schools? Summary At short notice, before the upcoming General Election the government has announced a consultation due to end… Energy Saving Team Competition for Schools in Bath Resource Futures’ Education Team is working with Bath and North East Somerset Council to motivate teachers and pupils… 18% reduction in gas consumption in B&NES Schools since last year Congratulations to B&NES Council in helping all 78 state schools in the area reduce their gas consumption by…