In July we objected to the planning application for the Old Bath Press site for 244 new homes by the Lower Bristol Road, our detailed response is available here.
From a sustainability perspective we were unhappy with the application:
- Provision of 12% affordable homes
- The assessment that Combined Heating and Power (CHP) is not feasible and that district heating from the Bath Western Riverside Energy Centre 200m away could not be routed under the Lower Bristol Road
- No significant attempt to avoid overheating
- Only 2 car club parking provision
- No electric car charging
- No installation of solar PV
- Installation of cooling in office development:
- Lack of Bat assessment
The development did have some positive aspects:
- The provision of secure bike storage (x301 or x386)
- Use of MVHR
- High housing density
- Green roofs
- Air permeability
- Access to electric (?????) bike hire scheme
Update: since out submission the High Court has ruled against the mechanism the developers were trying to use to reduce the affordable homes provision from the locally set 30% to 12%. The council have also made comments trying to encourage the developers to use the district heating system and energy centre at Bath Western Riverside and to try to install some solar PV on the roofs.