Grade 1 Listed Francis Hotel and the National Trust’s Assembly Rooms gain permission for heat pumps, solar PV, vacuum glazing and insulation measures Two iconic Grade I listed buildings in Bath have recently received planning permission and Listed Building Consent for… Letter to Wera Hobhouse requesting changes to government policy to help the decarbonisation of buildings We have recently sent a letter, addressed to our MP Wera Hobhouse, Liberal Democrat spokesperson for Climate Change,… National Planning Policy Framework Consultation 2024 The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) outlines the government's approach to planning in England and must be adhered… Transition Bath Response to Ofgem Standing Charge Consultation Ofgem has been consulting on reducing the costs of standing charges on domestic energy tariffs and transferring them… 2023 Planning Applications Annual Report Summary Between January 2023 and January 2024 Transition Bath commented on 215 Planning Applications in B&NES. The objective… Transition Bath support for higher Local Planning standards mentioned in report to the Climate Change Committee Background Last year Transition Bath and number of local groups appeared at the Planning Inspectorate public planning examination… Impact of B&NES Placemaking Plan SCR1 Renewable Energy Policy Since B&NES Placemaking Plan was adopted in July policy SCR1 which requires large developments (10 or more homes)… Keynsham Civic Centre named best workplace of 2015 The British Council for Offices (BCO) has named Keynsham's Civic offices as the best workplace for 2015. The… Government consultation on solar PV: 87% cut in FIT support tariffs The government has just announced a consultation which will reduce solar FIT tariffs by 87% from around 12p/kWh… Transition Bath Response to DECC’s proposed changes to the Solar FIT Pre-Accreditation Scheme Transition Bath have responded to the government proposals from the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) to… Transition Bath Objects to Old Bath Press site planning application In July we objected to the planning application for the Old Bath Press site for 244 new homes… Transition Bath response to Roseberry Place planning application In June Transition Bath responded to the planning application at Roseberry Place, our formal response is here. The… Crowd-sourcing of questions for the Transition Bath Hustings for the 2015 parliamentary elections On March 23rd 2015 we will be holding our Parliamentary Hustings for the prospective parliamentary candidates for Bath… Transition Bath responds to B&NES Placemaking Plan Consultation We have responded on your behalf to B&NES council's Placemaking Plans which will shape plans for Bath into… B&NES Placemaking Consultation This consultation runs until 30th January 2015 and aim to provide the following for Bath: allocate sites for… Transition Bath Carbon Descent Plan: Part 1 – Electricity Summary This first of a number of instalments of Transition Bath’s Carbon Descent Plan which we plan on… B&NES Council dismisses Call In on BWCE £500K loan This morning (29/9/2014) the council’s Scrutiny Panel looked at a motion to delay or withdraw B&NES’s offer of… Bath Western Riverside Energy Centre and District Heating System Bath Western Riverside Energy Centre provides the heating and hot water via a district heating system to approximately… Transition Bath has objected to the revised planning application at Ensleigh North Linden and Bloor Homes, the developers of part of the ex-MOD site at Ensleigh North, have submitted a… Results of Transition Bath North-South Alternative Transport Survey In July’s newsletter we asked you what you thought of 7 potential solutions to solving the difficult problem… North Prospect: Building a Sustainable Community In August Transition Bath was invited by social housing provider Curo along with residents from Bath’s Foxhill estate… Transition Bath Comments on Planning Application for 189 homes at ex-MOD site at Warminster Road We have made the following submission to the planning consultation: "Transition Bath is a charity aiming to build… Has Curo found a solution to the problems of cycling north-south in Bath? Survey: we would be interested in your views Summary During the planning stages of the development of 700 homes on the ex-MOD site at Foxhill in… 2.3 MW Solar Farm gains planning approval at Marksbury B&NES Council have approved a planning application for a solar PV farm at Marksbury, just to the west… 1 2 Next